About our Partners
For children ages 6–18 with tracheostomies and those who require technological respiratory assistance. These campers are provided a traditional outdoor experience with a high staff to camper ratio. Learn more at the Champ Camp website.
Designed for young people with autism ages 10–18. Campers are given the opportunity to work on coping and social skills while experiencing the outdoors in a fun and nurturing environment. Learn more at the Easter Seals Crossroads website.
Camp Little Red Door
For children ages 8 to 18 who are in active cancer treatment or remission. It is a chance for children with cancer to have the same camp experience as any other child and to interact with other children facing similar experiences. Learn more at the Little Red Door camp website.
MDA Camp
Provides thousands of kids with muscular dystrophy and related muscle-debilitating diseases "the best week of the year." At MDA Summer Camp, kids are living beyond limits. Learn more at the MDA website.